The original text ends here. The translation was not
meant for scholars who can benefit from the book in its original form, but for the public,
so that they may read and benefit by taking stock of their deeds and actions1 and
hopefully atoning, repenting and asking forgiveness, before death overcomes. God is Most
Merciful and if anyone truly repents, God is willing to forgive completely. In order to
maintain interest, at places the text has been abridged, and lengthy references and
philosophical discourse avoided. Certain sentences footnotes and explanations have been
added to the original text by the translator.
The conditions of the Grave, the Lands of Lust, of Jealousy, of Greed
and Avarice, Satan and the Satanic Twin (Darky) and his destructive activities, his
inciting and misleading arguments wherever possible, the punishment meted out to the
sinners for their wrong deeds, the late of pride, and good deeds going waste due to
certain sins, all these are occasions for awakening and contemplation. One should try to
prepare and stock deeds for the future because death is inevitable and it closes the door
of action forever. If we fail to do good for our selves ft is indeed foolishness to expect
that our children will act on our behalf after our death.
We can only expect those deeds which we have managed to do, to come to
our rescue and help, and cannot be certain of anything else.
My God help every body to atone and do good.
All praise is for God.
Peace be upon Mohammed and his progeny