Self Building
An Islamic guide for Spiritual Migration towards God

Ayatullah Ibrahim Amini

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Sixth Means - Supplications (Dua)

The supplication (dua) is one of the best worship through which one may attain self-perfection and God's Nearness. Because, of this reason God-Almighty has invited his servants to offer supplications. God-Almighty says in Holy Quran:

"And your Lord hath said: Pray unto Me and I will hear your prayer. Lo! Than who scorn My service, they will enter Hell disgraced." -the Holy- Quran (40:60)

And said:

 ("Oh mankind!) Call upon your Lord humbly and in secret. Lo! He loveth not aggressors." -the Holy- Quran (7:55)

And said:

"And when My Servants question thee concerning Me, then surely I am nigh. I answer the prayer of the suppliant when he crieth unto Me." -the Holy- Quran (2:186)

The Holy Prophet (S) has said:

"The supplication (Dua) is the soul of the worship." -Sahih Tirmidhi, vol. 2, p-266.

Imam al-Sadiq (A) has said:

"Supplication is worship, because God-Almighty says: ' You must continue to seek God-Almighty and should never say: It is all done." -al-Kafi, vol. 2. p-407.

And said:

"You should never quit supplication in all circumstances, because you will never find any other substitute like supplication in attaining God's-Nearness. Even, for insignificant [1] and minor affairs one must supplicate, and because of their being insignificant supplication should not be abandoned, because, after all the Master of petty affairs happens to be the same Master of large affairs." -al-Kafi, vol. 2, p-467.

God's Servant must supplicate because his entire existence needs God-Almighty. Because, a human being in essence is absolutely poor, needy, and dependent; and in case he becomes deprived of God's blessings even for an instant, he will be destroyed as though he was never existed. Whatever, reaches to a servant is bestowed from God-Almighty, therefore, a servants should admit this primordial dependency by his tongue and should confirm his poverty, servitude, and needs, through his practical actions, which is the real meaning of worship.

At the time of supplication a human being remembers God-Almighty, establish humming communications with him, and like a humble servant with tearful eyes presents his needs before the God-Almighty the Owner of Absolute Riches. By abandoning his hopes from the world of poverty and wants, he establishes his link with the Most Supreme Source of all Blessings and Perfection.

Flying upward from the world of poverty, he succeeds in witnessing the Beauty of God's Essence, through his esoteric eyes. The state of supplication and humming private communications with God-Almighty is one of the most pleasurable and beautiful condition of a servant which will never be exchanged for any price by God's saints.

Refer to al-Sahifah al-Sajjadiyyah [2] and other supplication books and study the details of humming communications of Infallible Imams (A) of the Prophet's Holy Progeny. Establishing communications with God-Almighty and hoping that He will accept the supplications, brings tranquility, and assurance for the suppliant's heart. If a human being, while facing lives hardships for solution of his problems and difficulties, does not seek refuge in God-Almighty, then how could he show perseverance against them and have assurance for continuation of his life?

Supplication is a believer's arsenal through which he struggles against disappointments and despairs, and seeks help from a hidden super natural power for solution of his difficulties and problems. The Divine-Prophets and Infallible Imams (A) always utilized this arsenal and have recommended it strongly for believers. Imam al-Ridha (A) said to his companions:

“Use the arsenal of Prophets.” What is the arsenal of prophets? He was asked. “Supplication”.  Replied the Imam." -al-Kafi, vol. 2, p-468.

Imam al-Baqir (A) said:

"God-Almighty, among .the believers loves the one, who supplicates a lot; and I recommend you to supplicate specially at the time of dawn until sun-rise, because, at this time the gates of Heaven are opened; people's sustenance is distributed and their great wants are granted." -al-Kafi vol. 2, p-478.

The Holy Prophet (S) has said:

"Supplication is believer's arsenal; is the pillar of religion and light of the earth and sky.” -al-Kafi, vol. 2, p-468.

Supplication is a worship rather is the soul of all worships and brings eternal rewards. It is a believers ascension to Heavenly Kingdom, makes the supplicant's spirit perfected and nourished and helps suppliant to attain God’s Nearness. The Commander of the Faithful Imam' Ali (A) said:

"Supplication is the key of prosperity; the best supplication is the supplication which comes out .from pure chests and pious hearts; supplication or hymns with God-Almighty results in salvation; and through means of sincerity one is saved from adversities and wickedness, therefore, when hardships become intense one should seek refuge in God-Almighty." -al-Kafi, vol. 2, p-468.

Therefore, supplication is a worship that if done properly in accordance with relevant conditions will result in suppliant's attaining self-perfection and God's Nearness, and these results certainly depends upon the rank and degree of the supplication. Because, of this reason a Lord's servant at any place, under any circumstances should never be negligent from this great worship, since a supplication is never going to be ineffective, although it may not produce immediate and apparent results. It is possible that sometimes the grant of suppliant's wants might be delayed; or may be they will not be fulfilled in this world; but even this is not without wisdom; because, occasionally a believer's demand are not in his real interest and a Wise God knows better what is really good for his servant.

Therefore, a servant should always stretch his hands before the Almighty Omnipotent God, and should supplicate for his wants. If it is deemed appropriate his wants will be granted in this world. But, sometimes God-Almighty thinks it appropriate to delay the grant of his servant so that he does more intensive humming communication. with Him, .thus, attaining higher exalted spiritual positions. Sometimes, divine expediency dictates that his grant should not be granted in this world so that he should remain continuously engaged in God's Remembrance, and receive a much better reward in the next world. The Holy Prophet (S) said:

"May God-Almighty bless the servant who seeks his needs from God-Almighty and pleads for their fulfillment through supplications whether his wants are granted or not. Then he recited the following verse:

"It may be that in prayer unto my Lord, I shall not be unblessed.”  -the Holy- Quran (19:48) -al-Kafi vol. 2 p-475.

Imam al-Sadiq (A) said:

"Sometimes a believer supplicates for a need before God-Almighty; but, He orders His Angels to delay the grant of servant's needs, because, He loves to hear his voice and supplication more. Then on the Day of Judgment says to him: ' Oh My servant! You called me but I delayed your request, now in return I will bestow upon you such and such reward and so and so supplication. ' Hearing it the servant would say: I wish none of my needs would have been granted in the world. ' He says so because he sees the excellent rewards of Hereafter." -al-Kafi, vol. 2, p-490.

And said:

"Be careful about the etiquettes of supplication, and pay attention as to which personality are you talking, how do you beseech Him, and for what purpose is He implored?

"Think about the Majesty and Splendor of God-Almighty, and look inside your heart and know that He is aware of whatever is contained therein,. He knows about your heart' s secrets and the truth and falsehood hidden therein. Be careful, to identify correctly the path of your salvation or misfortune lest you request a thing from God-Almighty which contains your destruction while you imagine your salvation in it. The God-Almighty said in Holy Quran:  

"Man Prayeth for evil as he prayeth for good, for man was ever hasty.” -the Holy Quran (17:11)

"Therefore, think correctly regarding what do you want from God-Almighty and for what purpose is it required. A supplication will be accepted only if you exert absolute concentration of your entire existence towards God-Almighty,. melting your heart while witnessing His presence; abandoning all your disposals, and absolute surrender of all affairs with sincerity to God-Almighty. So, if you did not act in accordance to above mentioned conditions of supplication do not look forward for its acceptance.

"Because, God-Almighty is aware of all your secrets and mysteries. Perhaps you beseech God-Almighty for something, while you know that your intention is opposite to your request." -Haqayaqi-Faiz, p-244.

Seventh Means -Fasting (Sawm)

Fasting is one of the greatest worship which exerts tremendous influence in one's efforts for self-perfection, self purification, and self building. There are many traditions which  describe the special distinction assigned to fasting. Following are few examples: The Holy Prophet (S) has said:

"The Fasting is a shield for protection against Hell's fire." -Wasail al-Shi’a, vol. 7, p-289.

Imam al-Sadiq (A) said:

"God-Almighty said: ' Fasting is for Me and I bestow its reward upon the fast observer."' -Wasail al-Shi’a, vol. 7, p-290.

And said:

"The fast observer moves an enjoys inside the Garden of Paradise, and angels pray for him until the fast breaking time.” -Wasail al-Shi’a, vol., 7, p-296.

The Holy Prophet (S) has said:

"Whoever observes one recommended fast for the sake of reward, forgiveness for him becomes compulsory." -Wasail al-Shi’a, vol. 7, p-293.

Imam al-Sadiq (A) has said:

"The sleep of a fast observer is regarded as worship; his silence is considered as praise, his deeds are accepted and his supplications are granted." -Wasail al-Shi’a, vol. 7, p-294.

The Holy Prophet (S) has said:

"God-Almighty said: 'For all righteous deeds of servants there is a reward from ten times to seven hundred time,  but since, fasting is specially reserved for me -I will bestow its reward. Therefore. only God-Almighty knows the reward of fasting." -Wasail al-Shi’a, vol. 7, p-295.

Fasting. is a special worship which is a combination of two parts i.e. negation and confrontation. The first part consists of self-Restraint and renunciation of drinking, eating, and sexual pleasures, which are legitimate pleasures, as well as not to tell a lie about God-Almighty and Holy Prophet (S) and some other affairs which have been described in details in Jurisprudential books.

The second part consists of devotion, intention, and desire to seek God's Nearness, which in reality are tantamount to soul of this worship. The reality of fasting consists of self-restraint and voluntary .relinquishment of material pleasures namely -Eating, drinking, sexual intercourse, and not to tell a lie about God-Almighty and Holy Prophet (S), with the intention of God’s Nearness.

The definition of a fast as given in the books of Jurisprudence is -- that if some one with the intention of God's Nearness renounced the affairs namely -eating, drinking, sexual intercourse, discharge of seamen, telling a lie about God-Almighty and Holy Prophet (S), to take a dive inside water, remaining in the state of impurity as a result of a wet dream -his fast is correct and does not require to take a make up (qadha) fast or pay ransom (kuffara). This fast is known as the fast of common people.

But, in traditions the scope of self-restraint have not been limited to the above mentioned limits rather it covers much wider dimensions. In traditions it has been mentioned that simply abandonment of eating and drinking is not enough, instead a real fast observer is the one who prevents all his limbs and body parts from sins. i.e. the eyes should be prevented from the sins relevant to the eyes, as well as prevent ears, tongue, hands, and feet from their relevant sins. Such fast belongs to God’s special servants.

Further, superior than this is the fasting of the most special ones (khawwas) in which case the observer of the fast apart from abandoning eating, drinking as well as renunciation of all sins also disengages his heart from all sort of scattered thinking which prevent him from God's Remembrance. He should continuously engage himself in God's remembrance and should know that He is seeing all his actions. As God's guest he should make himself readied for His countenance. For example let us refer to the following tradition: Imam al-Sadiq (A) said:

"Fasting is not achieved simply by renunciation of eating and drinking. When you observe fast your eyes, ears, tongue, stomach, and sexual parts should also be fasting with you. While in the state of fasting prevent your hands and sexual parts from sinning, should remain silent continuously except for speaking something good and useful or to the extent it is required to communicate with your house servant." -Wasail al-Shi’a, vol. 7, p-118.

Also said:

"The dignity and prestige of fasting should be understood by you wry clearly. As much as possible, maintain silence except for God's Remembrance. It should not be such that the day of your fasting should be similar to the day in which you are not observing fast." -Wasail al-Shi’a, vol. 7, p-117.

The Holy Prophet (S) said in a sermon:

"Whosoever observes fasting during Holy month of Ramadhan while maintaining silence and preventing his ears, eyes, tongue, sexual organs, and other body parts from lying, backbiting, and other forbidden acts, with the intention of achieving God's Nearness, God-Almighty will bestow upon him His Nearness, so that he will become a companion of Prophet Abraham (A) -God's chosen friend." -Wasail al-Shi’a, vol. 7, p-117.

Imam al-Sadiq (A) said:

"Fasting does not mean only renunciation of eating and drinking rather it has conditions which must be followed strictly in order to have a complete and perfect fast which means internal silence. Did not you hear the reply of Mary daughter of Imran who said to the people:

"'I have vowed a fast for God-Almighty, therefore, today will speak to none i.e. since, I am fasting therefore must be quiet.' So, when you observe fast protect your tongue from lying; don't be angry; don't curse, don't be rude; don't argue and dispute; due to ignorance don't reject or be indecent to each other, don't be negligent from God's remembrance; continuously practice silence, intellection, patience and keep distance from the wicked people. Assign importance to the Hereafter; must look forward for the day when God's Promise will be fulfilled; and collect some provisions for God's countenance.

"Poise dignity, humbleness, humility, and fear like a servant who is afraid of his master, should be practiced; should remain in the state of hope and fear. If you cleansed and purified your heart from faults; your inner self from conceit and treachery; your body from pollution, renounced every thing other than God; accepted His Guardianship through fasting, and preventing inner and outer self from performance of God ' s forbidden things; respected God's rights by remaining afraid outwardly and inwardly because of His presence,. during fasting donated your self to God-Almighty, purified and cleansed heart for God-Almighty and assigned him to act in accordance to His commands.

"If you observed fast in a manner described above, then indeed you really are a true fast observer and have discharged your duty well. But in as much as you deviated from the above criteria, your fast be considered as deficient and incomplete in the same proportion. Because, fasting is not limited only to renunciation of eating and drinking rather God-Almighty has made fasting a veil for other actions and sayings which make fasting canceled. Therefore, how small is the number of fast observers and how large is the number of hungry ones." -Wasail al-Shi’a, vol. 7, p-119.

28.1. Role of Fasting in Self-Building

Fasting is one of the most important and valuable worship, which if, observed in accordance to its special etiquettes and conditions, and maintaining the same degree of quality as required by sacred Islamic canon law (sharia), will exert tremendous impact upon the self-building, self-perfection, and self-purification efforts.

Fasting is extremely influential during the stages of purification of self from sins and other moral indecencies and making it readied for perfection, decoration and utilization of Divine Illuminations. A fast observer through renunciation of sins controls, subdues, and ultimately forces the imperious-self into submission. The duration of fasting is a period of quitting sins and practicing self-asceticism -a period of struggling with self, and practicing self-restraint.

During this period a fast observer not only purity and cleanse his self from sins and other moral abjectnesses, but even abandons his legitimate pleasures such as eating and drinking, and through these means makes his self purified and illuminated. Because, hunger results in attaining internal purification and more attention towards God-Almighty. A human being, white hungry very often possesses a feeling of contentment or Joy [3] but lacks such mood when his stomach is full.

In summary, fasting is very effective in acquiring piety, and because, of this consideration the Holy Quran has defined acquiring piety as the main objective behind the fasting.

"O ye believe! Fasting is presented for you, even as it was prescribed for those before you, that ye may ward off (evil)." -the Holy- Quran (2:183)

The one who observes fast during the Holy month of Ramadhan, because, of fasting prevents himself from engaging into sins and other moral abjectnesses through out the month, would succeed in dominating his self and therefore, may continue this habit of renunciation of sins even after the Holy month."

So for whatever has been described was related to the influence of fasting in purifying self from sins and other moral indecencies. But also from the point of view of positive dimensions it is very influential in achieving self-purification, decoration of inner self and God's Nearness which will be described briefly as follows:

1. Fasting i.e. self-restraint and renunciation of special acts which break the fast -is a worship, which if observed with sincerity and intention of God's Nearness, results in nourishment and perfection of self and God's Nearness like other worships.

2. By renunciation of legitimate pleasures and quitting sins the fast observer's heart gets cleansed and polished, becomes free from all scattered thoughts and memories of other than God and through this means earns the decency of absorbing the Divine blessings and illuminations. In this stage God's special blessings and favors are bestowed upon him and, thus, with Divine rapture ascends towards God's countenance. It is because of these reasons that it has been mentioned in the traditions that breathing and sleeping of a fast observer merit the reward of a worship.

3. The days of fasting are the best times for worship, prayer,  supplication, Qur’anic-recital, invocation and charitable deeds; because, during this period self is relatively better prepared for heart's presence, devotion and attention towards God-Almighty as compared to any other period. The Holy Month of Ramadhan have been called as the best times, spring of worship (specially recital of the Holy Quran) and the most appropriate opportunity for paying attention to wards God-Almighty.

Because, of this reason the special virtues of the Holy Month of Ramadhan and worshipping during it, have been emphasized a lot in the books of Islamic traditions. For example; when the Holy Month of Ramadhan arrived, Imam al- Sadiq (A) emphasized its importance to his children and said:

"Endeavor in worship because in this month people 's sustenance is distributed and their demises are registered, those who will be returned to God-Almighty are decided in this month, In this month there is a special "Night of Power" (Qadr), the worshipping in which excels the worshipping of one thousands months." -Wasail al-Shi’a, vol. 7, p-221.

The Commander of the Faithful Imam 'Ali (A) said:

"Oh people! During the Holy Month of Ramadhan read a lot of supplication and seek God's pardon (Esteghfar) because, by means of supplications the calamities are removed from you and by means of asking God's pardon your sins are forgiven."

-Wasail al-Shi’a, vol. 7, p-223.

Also he said that one day the Holy Prophet delivered a sermon in which he said:

“Oh people! The month of God with blessing mercy and pardon has came to you, a month which is the best month among all months before God-Almighty,  its days are the best days, its nights are the best nights and its hours are the best hours. It is month in which you have been invited by God-Almighty for a feast, and have been selected as the recipient of this special favor. Your breathings merit the reward of praise, while your sleeping in this month earns the reward of a worship. In this month your deeds are accepted and prayers are granted.”

"Therefore, with true intention and pure hearts beseech God-Almighty to bestow upon you His special favor to be able to observe fasting and recite the Holy Qur'an. Because, the most unfortunate and wretched one is the one who remains deprived from God's pardon during this great month. With your thrust and hunger remind yourself about the thrust and hunger of the Day of Judgment; pay charity to poor and destitute people, pay respect to elders; be kind towards youngsters, and observe the bonds of relationship with your kith and kins.”

"Watch your tongues, cover your eyes from seeing forbidden objects and prevent your ears from hearing forbidden affairs. Be kind to the orphans of the people so that the others are kind towards your orphans. Repent for your sins and at the time of prayer raise your hands upward, because, these hours are the best hours in which God-Almighty looks towards mankind with mercy and compassion. Their hymns are granted, their cries are heard. Whatever they ask is bestowed upon them and their prayers are fulfilled.”

"Oh people! Your (selves) are mortgaged against your deeds and therefore, by means of repentance make yourself free. Your back has become too much heavy due to sins; by prolongation of your prostration make yourself light burdened. Know that! God-Almighty has taken the oath of his Majesty and Splendor that he will not punish those who offers prayers and bows down in prostration, and on the Day of Judgment will not scare them through the Hell's fire.”

"Oh people! whoever in this month will make arrangements for the fast-breaking (iftar) of a believer will be bestowed upon the reward equal to freeing of a slave and all of his past sins shall be pardoned. He was asked: 'Oh prophet of God! But all of us are not in a position to arrange the fast-breaking of a fast-observer. The Prophet replied: 'Protect yourself from the Hell's fire and offer fast-breaking even if it happens to be a piece of date with a glass of sharbet.”

"Oh people! whoever makes his conduct better in this month, on the Judgment Day will be bestowed upon the permit for crossing over the Sirat. Whoever will open the knots of difficulties of people Is affairs in this month, God-Almighty on the Judgment Day will make the accounting of his deeds easier.”

Whoever makes people immune from his mischief, God-Almighty on the Judgment Day will make him immune from his wrath. Whoever treats an orphan with respect, on the Judgment Day, God-Almighty will treat him with honor. Whoever takes care to strengthen family bonds with relatives, God-Almighty will extend His blessing upon him on the Judgment Day, and whoever will cut off his family ties, God-Almighty too will deprive him from His blessing on the Judgment Day.”

"Whoever offers supererogatory prayers in this month, God-Almighty will register for him immunity from the fire. Whoever performs a compulsory deed in this month, will be bestowed the reward of seventy compulsory deeds performed in other months. Whoever offers a lots of salutation upon me in this month, on the Judgment Day, God-Almighty will make the balance of his righteous deeds heavier. Whoever recites one single verse of the Holy Qur’an during this month will be bestowed the reward of finishing the entire Holy Quran in other months.”

"Oh people! The gates of Paradise are opened in this month, beseech God-Almighty that it should not be closed upon you. The Doors of Hell are closed, and ask God-Almighty that they are not opened upon you. The devils are chained in this month, ask God-Almighty not to allow them to take over your control.”

"Imam' Ali (A) said: 'Oh Prophet of God! which one is the best deed during this month?' The Holy Prophet (S) replied: 'Oh Abul Hasan! The most supreme deed in this month is piety and renunciation of Divine forbidden acts.” -Wasail al-Shi’a, vol. 7, p-227.

As is evident from the above narration that the Holy Month of Ramadhan is a month full of blessings and special virtues. It is a month of worship, self-building, supplications, night prayer, and self-perfection. Worshipping in this month is bestowed rewards many times of the reward of worship performed in other months. Even the sleeping and breathings of a believer are given the reward of a worship. In this month the gates of the Paradise are opened while the Hell's doors are closed.

God's angels continuously invite the people towards God's worship, especially at the dawn and on the night of Power (Lailatul Qadr) in which worshipping and night-vigil are superior than the prayer of thousands months. [4] God-Almighty in this month have granted an audience inviting all the believers for a Divine feast; the invitation of which have been brought by the messengers.

The host is the Most Merciful and Most compassionate God-Almighty, the God’s most favorite angels are the servants and the believers are the guests. The table spread of Divine blessings containing all sorts of rewards and favors has been provided. From all dimensions, the Divine special blessings and favors –which cannot be seen by eyes, ears are helpless to hear about them, and human hearts cannot even imagine them are readied to be awarded upon the guests in accordance to their merits, worthiness, and absorbing capabilities.

If we are negligent, we will feel sorry and regret on the Day of Judgment, whereby feeling sorry and being regretful will not be of any advantage. The special acts and supplications of the Holy Month of Ramadhan are described in the book –Mafateeh al-Jinan by late Haj Abbas Qummi as well as in books of supplications; and with sincerity, attention, and heart’s presence utilize them for spiritual migration and attaining God’s Nearness.

In the end, it must be reminded that other worships too, like prayer, fasting, invocations, and supplications might be useful and effective in self-building and nourishment and perfection of the self. But for the sake of brevity it would not be appropriate to provide their detailed explanation and description in. this book.


[1] Even if one need's an insignificant thing like shoe's laces, one must pray and ask God-Almighty [Tr].

[2] Al-Sahifah Al-Sajjadiyyah: includes certain supplications quoted from Imam Zain al-Abidin 'Ali b. Hussain b. 'Ali ibn Abi Talib (A). He is one of the Imams belonging to the household of the Prophet whom Allah has kept pure and free of defilement. The Imam was the fourth in line of the Imams of the Prophet's household. Imam' Ali ibn al-Husain (A), was born in the year 38 A.H. or, perhaps as is conjectured, a little before that and lived for a period of 57 years.

Imam al-Shafi considered Imam" Ali ibn al-Husain (A) as the most supreme jurist of all the people of Medina" Abd al-Malik bin Marwan said to him, "in the area of religious sciences, in devotion and piety, you have been granted that which no one before you has had other than your ancestors". Further Umar bin ' Abd al-Aziz said, "The light of this life, ' the beauty of Islam is Zain al-Abidin" Al-Sahifah Al-Sajjadiyyah represents and stands out as a profound social work of the time and a reflection of a supreme endeavor to meet the exigencies of spiritual ordeals facing the society at the time of the Imam. But beyond this it is a profound collection of supplications in the divine tradition, a unique compilation which will remain throughout the ages as a gift to mankind, a work of moral inspiration for worldly conduct and a torch of guidance. Human begins will constantly remain in need of this heavenly souvenir; and the need increases whenever Satan comes to increase the allurements of the world for people, and by its fascination to keep them in bondage [Tr].

[3] Those who have observed fasting during Holy Month of Ramdhan or have observed recommended fasts may appreciate these feelings [Tr].

[4] The Night of Power is better than a thousand months.
-the Holy Quran (97:3) [Tr].

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