The Revealer, The Messenger, The Message

Martyr Mohammad Baqir as-Sadr
Translated by: Dr. Mahmoud M. Ayoub


[1]. See Qur'an, 22:107. (Translator's footnote)

[2]. Qur'an, 52:35. All Qur'anic translations are those of the translator.

[3]. On Newton's law of gravitation, see Classical Mechanics, H. Goldstein ( Redding, Mass.: Edison Wesley), fifth printing, 1957, p.65. (Translator's footnote)

[4]. Galileo's law of uniform accelerated motion is also Newton's second law of motion. See ibid., p. l . (Translator's footnote)

[5].On Keppler's laws of planetary motion, see ibid., p.80. ( Translator's footnote)

[6]. ibid., p.65. (Translator's footnote)

[7]. No one exactly knows when this night occurs, but tradition. has it that it comes during the month of Ramadan, perhaps the twenty-seventh. On .the essential significance of Laylatul - qadr, see Qur'an, chapter 97. ( Translator's footnote)

[8]. For greater detail, see our book al-Usus al-mantaqiyyah li'l-Istiqra', p.489.

[9]. This. we have done in our book, al-Usus al-mantiqiyyah lil-Istiqra'. See especially the second part, pp. 131-410.

[10]. ibid., pp.355-410.

[11]. For greater detail, see ibid., p.146-247.

[13]. For a detailed discussion of this point and the methods of pure logic and positive logic as these relate to it, see al-Usus . . . pp.480-500.

[14]. This is the dialectical process of thesis, antithesis and synthesis on which Marxist materialism is based. (Translator's footnote)

[15]. Kisrah and Qaysar, the Persian and Byzantine emperors, as absolute monarchs, became for Muslims a symbol and oppression. (Translator's footnote)

[16]. The author does not provide his source, but for a variant version, see: Muhammad Yusuf al-Kandahlawi, Hayat as-Sahabah, Muhammad `Ali ad-Dawlah, ed., (Damascus: Dar al-Qalam), N.D., 1st edition, vol. l, p.114. (Translator's footnote)

[17]. See Qur'an, 21:107. ( Translator's footnote)

[18]. In this he refers to God's words: And we have sent the winds as fecundators. (Qur'an, 25:22)