Light Within Me
Part 1: An Introduction to Irfan by Shaheed Murtada Mutahhari
Part 2: Stages of a Spiritual Journey by Allamah Husayn Tabatabai
Part 2: Stages of a Spiritual Journey by Allamah Husayn Tabatabai
Part 2: The Twelve Worlds by Allamah Husayn Tabatabai
Part 2: Seeking Allah's Guidance by Allamah Husayn Tabatabai
Part 2: Rules of Attaining Spiritual Perfection by Allamah Husayn Tabatabai
Part 3: Interpretation of Surah al-Hamd by Ayatullah Ruhullah Khumayni
Part 3: The Difference between the Bismillah of each
Surah by Ayatullah Ruhullah Khumayni
Part 3: Relationship between Allah and His Creation by Ayatullah Ruhullah Khumayni
Part 3: Allah and His Glory by Ayatullah Ruhullah Khumayni
Appendix:The Invocation of Sha'baniyah
Light Within Me
Shaheed Murtada Mutahhari
Allamah Muhammad Husayn Tabatabai
Ayatullah Ruhullah Khumayni
Published by:
Islamic Seminary Publications
Karachi, Pakistan
First Edition, 1991
Translated by:
Mustajab Ahmad Ansari
Note: "Part 1: Introduction to 'Irfan" is by
a different translator. It was digitized earlier on
from the Al-Tawhid journal, Vol. IV No. 1.
(Muharram - Rabi al Awwal 1407)