
Syed A.A. Razwy


Khadija had made unparalleled sacrifices for Islam. Those sacrifices "dovetailed" with the infrastructure of Islam. They strengthened the edifice of Islam and made it indestructible.

Khadija's sacrifices are emblazoned in history as qualitatively and quantitatively superior to anything anyone else in the Muslim umma might have done for Islam. She made Islam viable by her countless and uncountable sacrifices. There is a clear correlation between the support she gave to her husband and the social, economic and political success of Islam. No one else could have played this role with such skill, love, consistency, percipience, address and intuition as she did.

Khadija's sacrifices bore fruit after her death. Islam was victorious in its long struggle with paganism. The enemies of Islam were decimated, the blasphemous arrogance of the Umayyads was humbled, and their heathen ideology was demolished.

Khadija was one of the principal architects of the victory of monotheism over polytheism; of faith over materialism, and of Islam over paganism even though the story of her role in the conflict has remained, for the most part, "subliminal." It has existed only outside the conscious awareness of most of the Muslims.

In A.D. 630 Muhammed Mustafa marched into Makka as a conqueror. He and his cousin, Ali ibn Abi Talib, entered the Kaaba, cognizant of the Divine Commandment to Abraham and Ismael:

(Quran Majid. Chapter 2; verse 125)

Muhammed and Ali found the House of God in a state of defilement; it had become the house of idols; and had to be sanctified. Therefore, in imitation of Abraham and Ismael - their prophetic forebears - Muhammed and Ali smashed all the idols and obliterated all the images in the Kaaba. They sanctified the House of God, and restored purity to it. Khadija would have equated this act of the restoration of purity to the Kaaba, by her husband and her son-in-law, with the realization of her own hopes and dreams, and it would have made her happy and proud. And how much Muhammed Mustafa must have wished that she were with him, standing by his side, to experience and to share the thrill of that blessed day when the Kaaba was rededicated to the service of Allah, after the passage of many dark centuries.

From the moment Khadija bore witness that God was One, and Muhammed was His messenger, she put her words and her deeds and her life and her death on the same "wavelength" as the Pleasure and the Will of Allah. In correlating her work and her aims with the Pleasure and the Will of Allah, she found the Supreme Triumph of her sainted life.