instinctively desires to have an understanding of the life Hereafter, i.e. the
life after death and the state of the Barzakh (the interval between death and
resurrection), which we all have to face.
Knowledge of "Barzakh" is required because Barzakh is completely different from
this world. So man wishes to know how his present lifestyle and his activities
here will affect his life in Barzakh. Certain questions rise in his mind, like:
what sort of people will he encounter there? What kind of beings live there? Do
eating, drinking, sleeping, waking, friendship, enmity etc. exist there, and if
so in what form? What is the span of time between death and resurrection (Barzakh)
and what will his acitivities be in this period? What do happiness and
wretchedness in Barzakh entail?
Principally, does a spirit need a body after death or does it become permanently
free adnd independent of the body and becomes engaged in an infinite journey
towards an unkown destination? Whether the spirits will be granted bodies and if
so, will these bear any resemblance to our present bodies? And whether the
spirits are able to communicate with people living on earth or do communication
and contact stop forever?
This book attempts to answer these and other similar questions. The late author
has attempted to take his reader on a tour of the Barzakh and the land of the
spirits. For some time he takes man away from the base and material, away from
the noise and hustle of the world, and into the very lap of the spiritual and
angelic state, that is, the life in the Barzakh.
Principally speaking, Man with his limited senses and knowledge is unable to
understand or even correctly percieve the state of life in Barzakh, as he does
not have any knowledge about the state of affairs there. Man's senses are so
weak, that even in this world, which is so small compared to the universe, one
is a prisoner of time and space and he is incapable of looking into the future.
LIfe after death, is of course, a specially difficult topic to analyze,
understand and then explain in simple language is next to impossilbe. This is
because man has only experienced a life which is very limited; in comparison,
Barzakh is infinite and unlimited. Apart from this, the events which will take
place after death are those which are yet to occur; and man's knowledge and
information are always based on past events which have already occured. Hence
how can man have knowledge of a thing which is not yet to experience?
If this is the case, then is the path to awareness and knowledge completely
closed, and should man, therefore, abandon all his attempts to seek out the
But it is not so. God has given man a way out. The sole means which can help man
are the relevations and scriptures or the Holy Books, and side by side those
pious and holy personalities whom are commonly called Prophets and their true
successors. These men are the only sources of illumination and guidance which
man has to take him out of the narrow straits of darkness, ignorance and
bewilderment. The lives of the Prophets and their successors were free from all
tainments. They were the Truthfuls, the Witnesses. They were certainly neither
frauds and liars, nor simpletons and fantasizing men who, either out of greed or
ignorance, created fantasies and presented them to men. On the contrary, on the
basis of their wisdom, knowledge of facts and their indepth understanding,, and
also as being a source of peace and belssing for entire mankind, they should be
considered as the best amongst the human race. Many of their sayings appear
strange and even wrong but are in fact right. This because their knowledge stems
from the fountain of relevation and the Holy Books, and these are free of error
and doubt. God has revealed these books of guidance and light to wipe out
ignorance and for awakening of mankind. The best, most complete and perfect of
these books is the Holy Qur'an. Similarly, amongst the righteous guides, the
Holy Prophet stands out as the best and most perfect.
The gist of the Qur'an adn teh teachings of teh Ahlebeit is that our life in
this world is very short and untrustworthy and that life after death exists, it
is a reality and it is eternal. The fortunate in this world is the one who leads
a life of faith, awareness and awakening and in accordance with the commandments
of God. In the Hereafter, he will lead a life of eternal happiness and will be
rewarded with boundless blessings. And the one who leads a life of
neglectfulness, waywardness adn evil doings, for him there will be eternal
punishment and chastisement.
Doubtless, and the Hereafter encompasses an infinite lifespan and our life in
this world, even if we attain an age of 70 or 80 or even 100 years, in
comparison with the Hereafter, is merely like a drop of water compared to the
sea. How ignorant and unjust is then indeed man, to give so much time and
importance to his worldly pleasures and become so forgetful of his next life!
This book attempts to draw a picture of the Barzakh in the light of the Qur'an
and the traditions of the Prophet and his successors. It shows the bliss of the
virtuous and the wretchedness of teh evil-doers, with the help of examples and
hints taken from the verses and the traditions.
It is hoped that readers and esteemed scholars will overlook and forego any
mistakes which may be present.