A Glance at Historiography in Shi'ite Culture

Rasul Ja'fariyan

Published by: Message of Thaqalayn


Chapter 1
Beginning of Historiography Among the Shi’ites

Chapter 2
Shi’ite Works on the Prophet’s Biography During the First Centuries

Chapter 3
Books on the History of the Prophets

Chapter 4
Kalāmī–Historical Books

Chapter 5
Hadīthī-Historical Books

Chapter 6
Rijālī-Historical Books

Chapter 7
History of the Twelve Imams (‘a) from the 5th to 8th Centuries

Chapter 8
Regional Histories from the 4th to 8th Centuries AH

Chapter 9
Arabic and Persian Works of ‘Twelver Sunnis’ on the Twelve Imams (‘a) from the 6th to the 10th Centuries

Chapter 10
Persian Works by Imamis from the 7th till 10th Centuries

Chapter 11
Historiography on the Eve of the Safawid Era

Chapter 12
Spread of Tashayyu’ and Beginning of Shi’ite Historiography during the Safawid Era

Chapter 13
Maqtal Works During the Safawid and Qajarid Eras