A Bundle of Flowers

Sayyid Kamal Faghih Imani

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Business and Social Relationships

The Holy Prophet [s] said: "He who purchases the food stuff which is a public necessity and stores it for forty days with the hope that its price will go up in the Muslim market, then, sells it and gives the entire sum as charity to the poor, it can not be the atonement for what he has done."

Bihar-ul-Anwar, vol. 103, p. 89

Imam Amir ul Mu'mineen Ali [a] said: "He who ventures transactions without observing the concerning Islamic rules, has surely run into usury," (while he is not aware of it).

Bihar-ul-Anwar, vol. 103, p. 93

Imam Amir ul Mu'mineen Ali [a] narrates from the Messenger of Allah who said: "He who is in business and buys and sells things must avoid five traits, otherwise he should not buy or sell anything: usury, taking oath, concealing the faults or defects of the goods, praising it wrongly when selling it, and finding faults in it when buying it."

AI-Khisal by Saduq, vol. 1, p. 286

Imam Baqir, the fifth Imam [a] said: "He who seeks for sustenance in this world in order to be independent of people for his needs, to provide for his famlly members, and to stretch affection unto his neighbours, will meet Allah, Almighty and Glorious, on the Day of Judgement while his face will be as bright as the full moon."

Al-Kafi, vol. 5, p. 78

Fraud in Bargain

The Holy Prophet [s] said: "He who sleeps bearing deceit against his Muslim brother in his heart, has slept in the wrath of Allah and remains in that case until he repents."

Safinat-ul-Bihar, vol. 2, p. 318

The Holy Prophet [s] said: " ...And he who deceives his Muslim brother, Allah takes away the abundancy of his sustenance and spoils his livelihood and leaves him to his ownself."

Wasa'il-ush Shi'ah, vol. 17, p. 283

Imam Sadiq [a] said: "The Holy Prophet [s] prohibited that milk be mixed with water for sale."

At-Tahthib, vol. 7, p. 13

Imam Sadiq [a] said: "Those who play imposture with us (Muslims in general) is not from us."

The Holy Prophet [s] said: "The person who deceives a Muslim believer in buying or selling (things), is not of us, and, on the Resurrection Day, will be raised among the Jews, because they have been the most deceitful against Muslims."

Bihar-ul-Anwar, vol. 103, p. 80


The Holy Prophet [s] said: "After myself, I fear of three things for my Ummah: misguidance after knowledge, misleading temptations, and the lust of the stomach and the privy parts."

Al-Kafi, vol. 2, p. 79

Imam Baqir [a] said: "No worship with Allah is worthier than the purity of one's stomach and privity part (from lust)."

Al-Kafi, vol. 2, p. 80

The Holy Prophet [s] said: "The person for whom lust and vice is readily available but he avoids them for the fear of Allah, Almighty and Glorious, He will bar the Fire for him and ensure him against the Great Fear...."


The Holy Prophet [s] said: "He who is guarded against the vices of his stomach, tongue, and privy parts, is surely safeguarded from all sins."

Al-Muhajjat-ul Bayda

Imam Amir ul Mu'mineen Ali [a] said: "Remember, (when committing sin), that pleasures are fleeting while the consequences remain.

Nahjul Balagha, p. 553

The Holy Prophet [s] said: "He who kisses a lad lustily, Allah, Almighty and Glorious, will bridle him with a reign of Fire."

Al-Kafi, vol. 5, p. 548

Imam Baqir [a] said: "What a struggle is better than for the piety of stomach and privity parts."

AI-Kafi, vol. 2, p. 79

Worldly Possessions and Greedily Compiling Wealth

The Holy Prophet [s] said: "He whose two days (of life) are the same (making no spiritual progress) is at loss."

Bihar-ul-Anwar, vol. 71, p. 173

The seventh Imam, Musa ibn Ja'far [a], said: "The likeness of this world is as the water of the sea. However much (water) a thirsty person drinks from it, his thirst increases so much so that the water kills him."

Bihar-uI-Anwar, vol. 78, p. 311

Imam Hadi, the tenth Imam [a], said: "People are respected in this world for possessing wealth and in the Hereafter for possessing righteous deeds."

Bihar-ul-Anwar, vol. 78, p. 368

The Holy Prophet [s] said: "The destruction of my female followers is in two things: gold and immodest clothes; and the destruction of my male followers lies in abandoning knowledge and compiling wealth."

The Collection of Waram

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